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-Do you experience chronic pain?

-Do you like massage therapy but you feel that a regular massage is not enough to address your problem?

-Do you experience stress?

-Do you want to live life to its fullest and painfree?

 If you answered yes to any of the above, then Swedish Balance is

for you.

      Call, text, or email today to start or   continue your journey to a stress and  painfree





Kicki Hjortmarker ~

Hands on healer for a peaceful life and chronic pain relief. 

Specialized Intuitive Massage Therapy & Bodywork for Back pain relief-, Neck pain relief- Shoulder Pain relief,

Sciatica, Frozen Shoulder,Fibromyalgia,

Stress, Anxiety, Re-alignment, and more

Kicki Hjortmarker

Hi and thanks for visiting my site

Swedish Balance!

I am a Holistic Bodyworker & Massage Therapist on the West Side, Playa Del Rey, in LA.

I integrate Neuromuscular Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Pilates, and Hypnotherapy for chronic pain-, Body/Mind healing, and stress relief.

For Hypnotherapy I can also meet on the worldwide web.

I find it important to strive for balance in all areas of life to feel our best:


Alignment physically and spiritually





Working on Self

And, most of all: Nurture our passion, joy and excitement!

I grew up in Sweden near nature always having trees and mountains to climb; an ocean to swim in and a beach to sunbathe on. I would hear the sounds of cows, roosters, and horses from the nearby farms. 

I lived in a pretty regular family with mom, dad, and two older brothers. 

I always liked school and loved to learn. I danced ballet and competed in gymnastics.

These childhood memories have formed my awareness of the importance to balance in life, and, since then I have always searched for ways to live my life in balance and to the fullest. 

It has become my passion to share and convey how we can live our best lives peacefully and pain free. 

      My life has taken many different turns since I left Sweden, which has been both truly amazing and sometimes not so amazing, but I still really love the journey of life on this planet earth.

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Comfy, clean, and quiet treatment room where you can feel safe to experience back pain relief, shoulder-, and neck pain relief, sciatica, frozen shoulder relief, headache-relief, or simply feel your stress wash away with a soothing massage.

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A chilly December day in Haverdal, Sweden; cold, but always beautiful, serene, and healing: A day when pain can just ease away in nature.

Why integrate different techniques?

While NMT, Neuromuscular Massage Therapy is a very effective healing method, the body often needs more than one type of treatment to heal, especially if your injury is chronic and you have been in pain for a long time.


Maybe you tried Trigger Point Therapy before, and it helped for a while, and then you stopped benefiting from the treatments for unknown reasons. I therefore integrate other healing methods.


I often integrate Craniosacral Therapy; a method to work with the Central Nervous System, Myofascial Release; a form of Deep Tissu​e work to release muscle and fascia, and Somato Emotional Release; a true full body/mind method to release emotional, spiritual, and physical trauma stored in body tissues.

I also may use techniq​ues such as Cupping, Visceral Manipulation, Lymphatic Drainage, Reflexology, Deep Tissue, Myofacial release, Swedish/classical Massage flow, and Acupressure for increased blood-, energy-, and lymph flow.

By now you might wonder if I ever would treat someone who would like a one time regular Deep Tissue , Sports, or Swedish Massage  (or a combination of these) for immediate stress relief, pain relief, and relaxation benefits;

the answer is-

Yes, absolutely!


I am further a Reiki master and may, with your permission, use Reiki energy as a healing aid.

What does Swedish Balance bodywork treat?
  • Low back pain

  • Headaches

  • Neck pain

  • Shoulder pain

  • Posture Alignment

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Frozen shoulder

  • Sciatica

  • TMJd

  • Disc degeneration discomfort

  • Hip pain

  • Piriformis syndrome

  • Carpal Tunnel syndrome

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Bracial Plexus syndrome

  • Nerve pain, such as tingling in arms, fingers, legs.

  • Knee pain

  • Stomach and bowel issues

  • And more.....



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